

Name Description
Exception No description available EMPTY


Name Description
AsyncClientImpl An AGI client implementation. EMPTY


Name Description
PAGIAsyncApplication Parent class for all async PAGIApplications. EMPTY


Name Description
ClientException Connection/Protocol exception. EMPTY


Name Description
AsyncClientImpl TCP Client implementation for AMI. EMPTY


Name Description
PAMIException PAMI family of exceptions. EMPTY


Name Description
IncomingMessage A generic incoming message. EMPTY
Message A generic ami message, in-or-outbound. EMPTY
OutgoingMessage A generic outgoing message. EMPTY


Name Description
AGIAction AGI action message. EMPTY
AbsoluteTimeoutAction AbsoluteTimeout action message. EMPTY
ActionMessage A generic action ami message. EMPTY
AgentLogoffAction AgentLogoff action message. EMPTY
AgentsAction Agents action message. EMPTY
AttendedTransferAction AttendedTransfer action message. EMPTY
BlindTransferAction BlindTransfer action message. EMPTY
BridgeAction Bridge action message. EMPTY
BridgeDestroyAction BridgeDestroy Action EMPTY
BridgeInfoAction Returns detailed information about a bridge and the channels in it. EMPTY
BridgeKickAction BridgeKick Action EMPTY
BridgeListAction BridgeList action message. EMPTY
BridgeTechnologyListAction BridgeTechnologyList Action EMPTY
BridgeTechnologySuspendAction BridgeTechnologySuspend Action EMPTY
BridgeTechnologyUnsuspendAction BridgeTechnologyUnsuspend Action EMPTY
CancelAtxferAction CancelAtxfer Action EMPTY
ChallengeAction Challenge action message. EMPTY
ChangeMonitorAction Changes the monitor filename. EMPTY
CommandAction Command action message. EMPTY
ConfbridgeKickAction ConfbridgeKick action message. EMPTY
ConfbridgeListAction Show sip peers. EMPTY
ConfbridgeListRoomsAction ConfbridgeListRooms action message. EMPTY
ConfbridgeLockAction ConfbridgeLock action message. EMPTY
ConfbridgeMuteAction ConfbridgeMute action message. EMPTY
ConfbridgeSetSingleVideoSrcAction ConfbridgeSetSingleVideoSrc Action EMPTY
ConfbridgeStartRecordAction ConfbridgeStartRecord action message. EMPTY
ConfbridgeStopRecordAction ConfbridgeStopRecord action message. EMPTY
ConfbridgeUnlockAction ConfbridgeUnlock action message. EMPTY
ConfbridgeUnmuteAction ConfbridgeUnmute action message. EMPTY
ControlPlaybackAction ControlPlayback Action EMPTY
CoreSettingsAction CoreSettings action message. EMPTY
CoreShowChannelsAction Show channels. EMPTY
CoreStatusAction CoreStatus action message. EMPTY
CreateConfigAction CreateConfig action message. EMPTY
DAHDIDialOffhookAction DAHDIDialOffhook Action EMPTY
DAHDIHangupAction DAHDIHangup action message. EMPTY
DAHDIRestartAction DAHDIRestart action message. EMPTY
DAHDIShowChannelsAction DAHDIShowChannels Action EMPTY
DAHDITransferAction DAHDITransfer action message. EMPTY
DBDelAction DBDel action message. EMPTY
DBDelTreeAction DBDelTree action message. EMPTY
DBGetAction DBGet action message. EMPTY
DBPutAction DBPut action message. EMPTY
DeviceStateListAction DeviceStateList Action EMPTY
DialplanExtensionAddAction GetConfig action message. EMPTY
DialplanExtensionRemoveAction DialplanExtensionRemove Action EMPTY
DongleReloadAction Reload a dongle. EMPTY
DongleResetAction Resets a dongle. EMPTY
DongleRestartAction Restarts a dongle. EMPTY
DongleSendPDUAction Send a PDU through dongle. EMPTY
DongleSendSMSAction Send a SMS through Dongle. EMPTY
DongleSendUSSDAction Send a USSD through dongle. EMPTY
DongleShowDevicesAction Show all dongle devices. EMPTY
DongleStartAction Starts a dongle. EMPTY
DongleStopAction Stops a dongle. EMPTY
EventsAction Events action message. EMPTY
ExtensionStateAction ExtensionState action message. EMPTY
ExtensionStateListAction ExtensionStateList Action EMPTY
FAXSessionAction FAXSession Action EMPTY
FAXSessionsAction FAXSessions Action EMPTY
FAXStatsAction FAXStats Action EMPTY
FilterAction Filter Action EMPTY
GetConfigAction GetConfig action message. EMPTY
GetConfigJSONAction GetConfigJSON action message. EMPTY
GetVarAction GetVar action message. EMPTY
HangupAction Hangup action message. EMPTY
IAXnetstatsAction IAXnetstats Action EMPTY
IAXpeerlistAction IAXpeerlist Action EMPTY
IAXpeersAction IAXpeers Action EMPTY
IAXregistryAction IAXregistry Action EMPTY
JabberSendAction JabberSend action message. EMPTY
ListCategoriesAction ListCategories action message. EMPTY
ListCommandsAction Lists avaiable manager actions. EMPTY
LocalOptimizeAwayAction LocalOptimizeAway action message. EMPTY
LoggerRotateAction LoggerRotate Action EMPTY
LoginAction Login action message. EMPTY
LogoffAction Logoff action message. EMPTY
MWIDeleteAction MWIDelete Action EMPTY
MWIGetAction MWIGet Action EMPTY
MWIUpdateAction MWIUpdate Action EMPTY
MailboxCountAction MailboxCount action message. EMPTY
MailboxStatusAction MailboxStatus action message. EMPTY
MeetmeListAction MeetmeList action message. EMPTY
MeetmeListRoomsAction MeetmeListRooms Action EMPTY
MeetmeMuteAction MeetmeMute action message. EMPTY
MeetmeUnmuteAction MeetmeUnmute action message. EMPTY
MixMonitorAction MixMonitor action message. EMPTY
MixMonitorMuteAction MixMonitorMute action message. EMPTY
ModuleCheckAction ModuleCheck action message. EMPTY
ModuleLoadAction ModuleLoad action message. EMPTY
ModuleReloadAction ModuleReload action message. EMPTY
ModuleUnloadAction ModuleUnload action message. EMPTY
MonitorAction Monitor action message. Will always record with .wav format and mixing the input and output channels. Also, the filename is mandatory: EMPTY
MuteAudioAction MuteAudio Action EMPTY
OriginateAction Originate action message. EMPTY
PJSIPNotifyAction PJSIPNotify Action EMPTY
PJSIPQualifyAction PJSIPQualify action message. EMPTY
PJSIPRegisterAction PJSIPRegister action message. EMPTY
PJSIPShowAorsAction PJSIPShowAors Action EMPTY
PJSIPShowAuthsAction PJSIPShowAuths Action EMPTY
PJSIPShowContactsAction PJSIPShowContacts Action EMPTY
PJSIPShowEndpointAction PJSIPSipshowendpoint action message. EMPTY
PJSIPShowEndpointsAction PJSIPShowEndpoints action message. EMPTY
PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatusesAction PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatuses Action EMPTY
PJSIPShowRegistrationsInboundAction PJSIPShowRegistrationsInbound action message. EMPTY
PJSIPShowRegistrationsOutboundAction PJSIPShowRegistrationsOutbound action message. EMPTY
PJSIPShowResourceListsAction PJSIPShowResourceLists action message. EMPTY
PJSIPShowSubscriptionsInboundAction PJSIPShowSubscriptionsInbound action message. EMPTY
PJSIPShowSubscriptionsOutboundAction PJSIPShowSubscriptionsOutbound action message. EMPTY
PJSIPUnregisterAction PJSIPUnregister action message. EMPTY
PRIDebugFileSetAction PRIDebugFileSet Action EMPTY
PRIDebugFileUnsetAction PRIDebugFileUnset Action EMPTY
PRIDebugSetAction PRIDebugSet Action EMPTY
PRIShowSpansAction PRIShowSpans Action EMPTY
ParkAction Park action message. EMPTY
ParkedCallsAction ParkedCalls action message. EMPTY
ParkinglotsAction Parkinglots Action EMPTY
PauseMonitorAction Pauses the Monitor for a given channel. EMPTY
PingAction Ping action message. EMPTY
PlayDTMFAction PlayDTMF action message. EMPTY
PresenceStateAction PresenceState Action EMPTY
PresenceStateListAction PresenceStateList Action EMPTY
QueueAddAction QueueAdd action message. EMPTY
QueueChangePriorityCallerAction QueueChangePriorityCaller Action EMPTY
QueueLogAction QueueLog action message. EMPTY
QueueMemberRingInUse QueueReset action message. EMPTY
QueueMemberRingInUseAction QueueMemberRingInUse Action EMPTY
QueuePauseAction Queue pause action. EMPTY
QueuePenaltyAction QueuePenalty action message. EMPTY
QueueReloadAction QueueReload action message. EMPTY
QueueRemoveAction QueueRemove action message. EMPTY
QueueResetAction QueueReset action message. EMPTY
QueueRuleAction QueueRule action message. EMPTY
QueueStatusAction QueueStatus action message. EMPTY
QueueSummaryAction QueueSummary action message. EMPTY
QueueUnpauseAction Queue unpause action. This does not exist in the ami. EMPTY
QueuesAction Queues action. EMPTY
RedirectAction Redirect action message. EMPTY
ReloadAction Reload action message. EMPTY
SCCPAnswerCallAction SCCP Answer Call action message. EMPTY
SCCPCallForwardAction SCCP Set Callforward on a line/device action message. EMPTY
SCCPConferenceAction SCCP Conference Control Action EMPTY
SCCPConfigMetaDataAction Get SCCPConfigMetaData action message. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceAddLineAction SCCP Add new line to a device action message. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceRestartAction Restart SCCP Device Action Message. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceSetDNDAction Set Do Not Disturb on SCCP Device Action Message. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceUpdateAction SCCP Update Device action message. EMPTY
SCCPDndDeviceAction SCCP Set Do not Disturb action message. EMPTY
SCCPHangupCallAction SCCP Hangup Call action message. EMPTY
SCCPHoldCallAction Hold/Resume SCCP Sevice action message. EMPTY
SCCPLineForwardUpdateAction SCCP Forward Line action message. EMPTY
SCCPMessageDeviceAction SCCP Message Device action message. EMPTY
SCCPMessageDevicesAction SCCP Message multiple devices action message. EMPTY
SCCPMicrophoneAction SCCP Switch device microphone on or off EMPTY
SCCPShowChannelsAction SCCP Show CHannels action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowConferenceAction SCCP Show Conference action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowConferencesAction SCCP Show Conferences action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowDeviceAction SCCP Show Device action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowDevicesAction SCCP Show Devices action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowGlobalsAction SCCP Show Globals / Settings action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowHintLineStatesAction SCCP Show Hint Line action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowHintSubscriptionsAction SCCP Show Hint Subscription action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowLineAction SCCP Show Line action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowLinesAction SCCP Show Lines action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowMWISubscriptionsAction SCCP Show MWI Subscriptions action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowSessionsAction SCCP Show Sessions action message. EMPTY
SCCPShowSoftkeySetsAction SCCP Show SoftkeySets action message. EMPTY
SCCPStartCallAction SCCP Start Call action message. EMPTY
SCCPSystemMessageAction SCCP Set System Message action message. EMPTY
SCCPTokenAckAction SCCP Send TokenAck action message. EMPTY
SIPNotifyAction SIPNotify action message. EMPTY
SIPPeersAction Show sip peers. EMPTY
SIPQualifyPeerAction SipQualifyPeer action message. EMPTY
SIPShowPeerAction Sipshowpeer action message. EMPTY
SIPShowRegistryAction Sipshowregistry action message. EMPTY
SIPpeerstatusAction SIPpeerstatus Action EMPTY
SKINNYdevicesAction SKINNYdevices Action EMPTY
SKINNYlinesAction SKINNYlines Action EMPTY
SKINNYshowdeviceAction SKINNYshowdevice Action EMPTY
SKINNYshowlineAction SKINNYshowline Action EMPTY
SendTextAction SendText action message. EMPTY
SetVarAction SetVar action message. EMPTY
ShowDialPlanAction ShowDialPlan action message. EMPTY
SorceryMemoryCacheExpireAction SorceryMemoryCacheExpire Action EMPTY
SorceryMemoryCacheExpireObjectAction SorceryMemoryCacheExpireObject Action EMPTY
SorceryMemoryCachePopulateAction SorceryMemoryCachePopulate Action EMPTY
SorceryMemoryCacheStaleAction SorceryMemoryCacheStale Action EMPTY
SorceryMemoryCacheStaleObjectAction SorceryMemoryCacheStaleObject Action EMPTY
StatusAction Queries for the status of a channel or all channels if none specified. EMPTY
StopMixMonitorAction StopMixMonitor action message. EMPTY
StopMonitorAction Stops the Monitor for a given channel. EMPTY
UnpauseMonitorAction Unpauses the Monitor for a given channel. EMPTY
UpdateConfigAction UpdateConfig action message. EMPTY
UserEventAction UserEventAction action message. EMPTY
VGSMSMSTxAction Not all methods were implemented. For reference please check EMPTY
VoicemailRefreshAction VoicemailRefresh Action EMPTY
VoicemailUserStatusAction VoicemailUserStatus Action EMPTY
VoicemailUsersListAction VoicemailUsersList action message. EMPTY
WaitEventAction WaitEvent action message. EMPTY


Name Description
AGIExecEndEvent Event triggered when a received AGI command completes processing. EMPTY
AGIExecEvent Event triggered when an agi executes an application. EMPTY
AGIExecStartEvent Event triggered when a received AGI command starts processing. EMPTY
AgentCalledEvent AgentCalled Event EMPTY
AgentCompleteEvent AgentComplete Event EMPTY
AgentConnectEvent Event triggered when an agent connects. EMPTY
AgentDumpEvent AgentDump Event EMPTY
AgentLoginEvent AgentLogin Event EMPTY
AgentLogoffEvent AgentLogoff Event EMPTY
AgentRingNoAnswerEvent AgentRingNoAnswer Event EMPTY
AgentsCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action Agents is issued. EMPTY
AgentsEvent Event triggered for agents. EMPTY
AlarmClearEvent AlarmClear Event EMPTY
AlarmEvent Alarm Event EMPTY
AorDetailEvent Event from PJSIPShowEndpoint EMPTY
AorListCompleteEvent AorListComplete Event Part Of Action: PJSIPShowAors EMPTY
AorListEvent AorList Event isListEntry and Part Action: PJSIPShowAors EMPTY
AsyncAGIEndEvent Event triggered when a channel stops AsyncAGI command processing. EMPTY
AsyncAGIEvent Event triggered when an async agi is executed. EMPTY
AsyncAGIExecEvent Event triggered when AsyncAGI completes an AGI command. EMPTY
AsyncAGIStartEvent Event triggered when a channel starts AsyncAGI command processing. EMPTY
AttendedTransferEvent Event triggered when an attended transfer is complete. EMPTY
AuthDetailEvent Event from PJSIPShowEndpoint EMPTY
AuthListCompleteEvent AuthListComplete Event Part Of Action: PJSIPShowAuths EMPTY
AuthListEvent AuthList Event isListEntry and Part Action: PJSIPShowAuths EMPTY
AuthMethodNotAllowedEvent AuthMethodNotAllowed Event EMPTY
BlindTransferEvent Event triggered when a blind transfer is complete. EMPTY
BridgeCreateEvent Event triggered when a bridge is created. EMPTY
BridgeDestroyEvent Event triggered when a bridge is destroyed. EMPTY
BridgeEnterEvent Event triggered when a channel enters a bridge. EMPTY
BridgeEvent Event triggered when bridging (connecting) two channels. EMPTY
BridgeInfoChannelEvent Event triggered when an action BridgeInfo is issued. EMPTY
BridgeInfoCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action BridgeInfo is issued. EMPTY
BridgeLeaveEvent Event triggered when a channel leaves a bridge. EMPTY
BridgeListItemEvent Event triggered when an action BridgeList was issued. EMPTY
BridgeVideoSourceUpdateEvent BridgeVideoSourceUpdate Event EMPTY
CELEvent Event triggered when a CEL log message is generated EMPTY
CallAnsweredEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Call Answered' Event arrives. EMPTY
CallForwardEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCPCallForward' Event arrives. EMPTY
CdrEvent Event triggered when a channel changes its status. EMPTY
ChallengeResponseFailedEvent ChallengeResponseFailed Event EMPTY
ChallengeSentEvent ChallengeSent Event EMPTY
ChanSpyStartEvent ChanSpyStart Event EMPTY
ChanSpyStopEvent ChanSpyStop Event EMPTY
ChannelTalkingStartEvent ChannelTalkingStart Event EMPTY
ChannelTalkingStopEvent ChannelTalkingStop Event EMPTY
ChannelUpdateEvent Event triggered when a channel updated its status. EMPTY
ConfbridgeEndEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
ConfbridgeJoinEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
ConfbridgeLeaveEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
ConfbridgeListCompleteEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
ConfbridgeListEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
ConfbridgeListRoomsCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action ConfbridgeListRooms is issued. EMPTY
ConfbridgeListRoomsEvent Event triggered for each conference when an action ConfbridgeListRooms is issued. EMPTY
ConfbridgeMuteEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
ConfbridgeRecordEvent ConfbridgeRecord Event EMPTY
ConfbridgeStartEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
ConfbridgeStopRecordEvent ConfbridgeStopRecord Event EMPTY
ConfbridgeTalkingEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
ConfbridgeUnmuteEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
ContactListCompleteEvent ContactListComplete Event Part Of Action: PJSIPShowContacts EMPTY
ContactListEvent ContactList Event isListEntry and Part Action: PJSIPShowContacts EMPTY
ContactStatusDetailEvent Event from PJSIPShowEndpoint EMPTY
ContactStatusEvent ContactStatus Event EMPTY
CoreShowChannelEvent Event triggered when an action CoreShowChannel is issued. EMPTY
CoreShowChannelsCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action CoreShowChannels is issued. EMPTY
DAHDIChannelEvent No description available EMPTY
DAHDIShowChannelsCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action DAHDIShowChannels is issued. EMPTY
DAHDIShowChannelsEvent Event triggered when an action DAHDIShowChannel is issued. EMPTY
DBGetResponseEvent Event triggered when a database key is asked for. EMPTY
DNDEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Do Not Disturb' Event arrives. EMPTY
DNDStateEvent Event triggered when the Do Not Disturb state is changed on a DAHDI channel. EMPTY
DTMFBeginEvent Event triggered when a DTMF digit has started on a channel. EMPTY
DTMFEndEvent Event triggered when a DTMF digit has ended on a channel. EMPTY
DTMFEvent Event triggered when a dtmf is detected in a call. EMPTY
DeviceStateChangeEvent DeviceStateChange Event isListEntry and Part Action: DeviceStateList EMPTY
DeviceStateListCompleteEvent DeviceStateListComplete Event Part Of Action: DeviceStateList EMPTY
DeviceStatusEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Device Status' Event arrives. EMPTY
DialBeginEvent Event triggered when a dial action has started. EMPTY
DialEndEvent Event triggered when a dial action has completed. EMPTY
DialEvent Event triggered when a dial is executed. EMPTY
DialStateEvent DialState Event EMPTY
DongleDeviceEntryEvent Event triggered when getting a dongle device. EMPTY
DongleNewCUSDEvent Event triggered when a ussd was queued for sent by dongle. EMPTY
DongleNewUSSDBase64Event Event triggered when a ussd was queued for sent by dongle. EMPTY
DongleNewUSSDEvent Event triggered when a ussd was queued for sent by dongle. EMPTY
DongleSMSStatusEvent Event triggered when a sms was queued for sent by dongle. EMPTY
DongleShowDevicesCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list of dongle channels. EMPTY
DongleStatusEvent Event triggered starting/stopping a dongle. EMPTY
DongleUSSDStatusEvent Event triggered when a ussd was queued for sent by dongle. EMPTY
EndpointDetailCompleteEvent EndpointDetailComplete Event Part Of Action: PJSIPShowEndpoint EMPTY
EndpointDetailEvent Event from PJSIPShowEndpoint EMPTY
EndpointListCompleteEvent Provide final information about an endpoint list. EMPTY
EndpointListEvent Event from PJSIPShowEndpoints EMPTY
EventMessage This is a generic event received from ami. EMPTY
ExtensionStateListCompleteEvent ExtensionStateListComplete Event Part Of Action: ExtensionStateList EMPTY
ExtensionStatusEvent Triggered when an extension changes its status. EMPTY
FAXSessionEvent FAXSession Event EMPTY
FAXSessionsCompleteEvent FAXSessionsComplete Event EMPTY
FAXSessionsEntryEvent FAXSessionsEntry Event EMPTY
FAXStatsEvent FAXStats Event EMPTY
FAXStatusEvent FAXStatus Event EMPTY
FailedACLEvent FailedACL Event EMPTY
FullyBootedEvent Event triggered when ? EMPTY
HangupEvent Triggered when a hangup is detected. EMPTY
HangupHandlerPopEvent HangupHandlerPop Event EMPTY
HangupHandlerPushEvent HangupHandlerPush Event EMPTY
HangupHandlerRunEvent HangupHandlerRun Event EMPTY
HangupRequestEvent HangupRequest Event EMPTY
HoldEvent Event triggered when an extension is put on hold. EMPTY
IdentifyDetailEvent IdentifyDetail Event isListEntry and Part Action: PJSIPShowEndpoint EMPTY
InboundRegistrationDetailEvent Event from PJSIPShowRegistrationsInbound EMPTY
InvalidAccountIDEvent InvalidAccountID Event EMPTY
InvalidPasswordEvent InvalidPassword Event EMPTY
InvalidTransportEvent InvalidTransport Event EMPTY
JabberEventEvent Event Jabber EMPTY
JoinEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
LeaveEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
LinkEvent Event triggered when linking (connecting) two channels. EMPTY
ListDialplanEvent Event triggered when an action ShowDialPlan is issued. EMPTY
LoadAverageLimitEvent LoadAverageLimit Event EMPTY
LoadEvent Load Event EMPTY
LocalBridgeEvent LocalBridge Event EMPTY
LocalOptimizationBeginEvent LocalOptimizationBegin Event EMPTY
LocalOptimizationEndEvent LocalOptimizationEnd Event EMPTY
MWIGetCompleteEvent MWIGetComplete Event EMPTY
MWIGetEvent MWIGet Event EMPTY
MasqueradeEvent Event triggered when an extension is masqued?? EMPTY
MeetmeEndEvent MeetmeEnd Event EMPTY
MeetmeJoinEvent MeetmeJoin Event EMPTY
MeetmeLeaveEvent MeetmeLeave Event EMPTY
MeetmeMuteEvent MeetmeMute Event EMPTY
MeetmeTalkRequestEvent MeetmeTalkRequest Event EMPTY
MeetmeTalkingEvent MeetmeTalking Event EMPTY
MemoryLimitEvent MemoryLimit Event EMPTY
MessageWaitingEvent Event triggered when ..? EMPTY
MiniVoiceMailEvent MiniVoiceMail Event EMPTY
MonitorStartEvent MonitorStart Event EMPTY
MonitorStopEvent MonitorStop Event EMPTY
MusicOnHoldEvent Event triggered when .. ? EMPTY
MusicOnHoldStartEvent Event triggered when music on hold has started on a channel. EMPTY
MusicOnHoldStopEvent Event triggered when music on hold has stopped on a channel. EMPTY
NewAccountCodeEvent Triggered when? EMPTY
NewCalleridEvent Event triggered when a caller id is used. EMPTY
NewConnectedLineEvent NewConnectedLine Event EMPTY
NewExtenEvent Event triggered when a new extension is accessed. EMPTY
NewchannelEvent Event triggered when a new channel is created. EMPTY
NewstateEvent Event triggered when a channel changes its status. EMPTY
OriginateResponseEvent Response from an async originate. EMPTY
OutboundRegistrationDetailEvent Event from PJSIPShowRegistrationsOutbound EMPTY
OutboundSubscriptionDetailEvent Event from PJSIPShowSubscriptionsOutbound EMPTY
ParkedCallEvent Event triggered when a call is parked. EMPTY
ParkedCallGiveUpEvent Event triggered when a channel leaves a parking lot because it hung up without being answered. EMPTY
ParkedCallSwapEvent ParkedCallSwap Event EMPTY
ParkedCallTimeOutEvent Event triggered when a channel leaves a parking lot due to reaching the time limit of being parked. EMPTY
ParkedCallsCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action ParkedCalls is issued. EMPTY
PeerEntryEvent Event triggered for each peer when an action Sippeers is issued. EMPTY
PeerStatusEvent Event triggered when a peer changes its status. EMPTY
PeerlistCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action Sippeers is issued. EMPTY
PickupEvent Pickup Event EMPTY
PresenceStateChangeEvent PresenceStateChange Event isListEntry and Part Action: PresenceStateList EMPTY
PresenceStateListCompleteEvent PresenceStateListComplete Event Part Of Action: PresenceStateList EMPTY
PresenceStatusEvent PresenceStatus Event EMPTY
QueueCallerAbandonEvent Event triggered when a caller abandons the queue. EMPTY
QueueCallerJoinEvent Event triggered when a caller joins a Queue. EMPTY
QueueCallerLeaveEvent Event triggered when a caller leaves a Queue. EMPTY
QueueEntryEvent Event triggered for a QueueStatus action. EMPTY
QueueMemberAddedEvent Event triggered for a QueueMemberAdd action. EMPTY
QueueMemberEvent Event triggered for a QueueStatus action. EMPTY
QueueMemberPauseEvent QueueMemberPause Event EMPTY
QueueMemberPausedEvent Event triggered for a change in a queue member (pause/unpause). EMPTY
QueueMemberPenaltyEvent QueueMemberPenalty Event EMPTY
QueueMemberRemovedEvent Event triggered for a QueueMemberRemove action. EMPTY
QueueMemberRinginuseEvent QueueMemberRinginuse Event EMPTY
QueueMemberStatusEvent Event triggered for a status change in a queue. EMPTY
QueueParamsEvent Event triggered for a QueueStatus action. EMPTY
QueueStatusCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action QueueStatus is issued. EMPTY
QueueSummaryCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action QueueSummary is issued. EMPTY
QueueSummaryEvent Event triggered for a QueueSummary action. EMPTY
RTCPReceivedEvent Event triggered when exchanging rtp stats. EMPTY
RTCPReceiverStatEvent Event triggered when exchanging rtp stats. EMPTY
RTCPSentEvent Event triggered when exchanging rtp stats. EMPTY
RTPReceiverStatEvent Event triggered when exchanging rtp stats. EMPTY
RTPSenderStatEvent Event triggered when exchanging rtp stats. EMPTY
ReceiveFAXEvent ReceiveFAX Event EMPTY
RegistrationsCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action Sipshowregistry is issued. EMPTY
RegistryEvent Registry event. EMPTY
ReloadEvent No description available EMPTY
RenameEvent Event triggered when renaming a channel. EMPTY
RequestBadFormatEvent Event triggered when an agent logs in. EMPTY
RequestNotAllowedEvent RequestNotAllowed Event EMPTY
RequestNotSupportedEvent RequestNotSupported Event EMPTY
ResourceListDetailEvent Event from PJSIPShowResourceLists EMPTY
SCCPAttachedDeviceEntryEvent Event triggered when an SCCP Line Gets attached to an SCCP Device in. EMPTY
SCCPChannelEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowLine in. EMPTY
SCCPConfEndEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference End' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConfEnteredEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference Entered' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConfLeaveEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference Leave' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConfLeftEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference Left' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConfLockEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference Lock' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConfParticipantKickedEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference Participant Kicked' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConfParticipantMuteEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference Participant Mute' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConfParticipantPromotionEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference Participant Promotion' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConfStartEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference Start' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConfStartedEvent Event triggered when the 'SCCP Conference Started' Event arrives. EMPTY
SCCPConferenceEntryEvent Event triggered when SCCPConferenceEntry arrives. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceButtonEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceFeatureEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice Feature Entries. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceLineEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice Line Entries. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceServiceURLEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice ServiceURL Entries. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceSpeeddialEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice SpeedDial Entries. EMPTY
SCCPDeviceStatisticsEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice Call Statistics Entries. EMPTY
SCCPHintLineStateEntryEvent Event triggered when SCCPHintLineStateEntry arrives. EMPTY
SCCPHintSubscriptionEntryEvent Event triggered when SCCPHintSubscriptionEntry arrives. EMPTY
SCCPLineEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowLines Entries. EMPTY
SCCPMailboxEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowLine Mailbox Entries. EMPTY
SCCPMailboxSubscriberEntryEvent Event triggered when SCCPMailboxSubscriberEntry arrives. EMPTY
SCCPSessionEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowSessions Entries. EMPTY
SCCPShowChannelsCompleteEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowChannels Entries. EMPTY
SCCPShowConferencesCompleteEvent Event triggered when SCCPShowConferences Completes. EMPTY
SCCPShowDeviceCompleteEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice to signal end of response. EMPTY
SCCPShowDeviceEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice. EMPTY
SCCPShowDevicesCompleteEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevices to signal end of response. EMPTY
SCCPShowHintLineStatesCompleteEvent Event triggered when SCCPShowHintLineStates Completes. EMPTY
SCCPShowHintSubscriptionsCompleteEvent Event triggered when SCCPShowHintSubscriptions Completes. EMPTY
SCCPShowLineCompleteEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowLine to signal end of response. EMPTY
SCCPShowLineEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowLine. EMPTY
SCCPShowLinesCompleteEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowLines to signal end of response. EMPTY
SCCPShowMWISubscriptionsCompleteEvent Event triggered when SCCPShowMWISubscriptions Completes. EMPTY
SCCPShowSessionsCompleteEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowSessions to signal end of response. EMPTY
SCCPShowSoftKeySetsCompleteEvent Event triggered when SCCPShowSoftkeySets Completes. EMPTY
SCCPSoftKeySetEntryEvent Event triggered when SCCPSoftKeySetEntry arrives. EMPTY
SCCPVariableEntryEvent Event triggered by SCCPShowDevice/SCCPShowLine for Variable Entries. EMPTY
SIPQualifyPeerDoneEvent SIPQualifyPeerDone Event EMPTY
SendFAXEvent SendFAX Event EMPTY
SessionLimitEvent SessionLimit Event EMPTY
SessionTimeoutEvent SessionTimeout Event EMPTY
ShowDialPlanCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action ShowDialPlan is issued. EMPTY
ShutdownEvent Shutdown Event EMPTY
SoftHangupRequestEvent SoftHangupRequest Event EMPTY
SpanAlarmClearEvent SpanAlarmClear Event EMPTY
SpanAlarmEvent SpanAlarm Event EMPTY
StatusCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action Status is issued. EMPTY
StatusEvent Event triggered when an action Status is issued. EMPTY
SuccessEvent No description available EMPTY
SuccessfulAuthEvent Event triggered when an agent logs in. EMPTY
TableEndEvent Event triggered when an 'TableEnd' Event comes in. EMPTY
TableStartEvent Event triggered when an 'TableStart' Event comes in. EMPTY
TransferEvent Event triggered when a call is transfered. EMPTY
TransportDetailEvent Event triggered when an agent logs in. EMPTY
UnParkedCallEvent Event triggered when a call is unparked. EMPTY
UnexpectedAddressEvent UnexpectedAddress Event EMPTY
UnholdEvent Unhold Event EMPTY
UnknownEvent This is an unknown (not implemented yet) event received from ami. EMPTY
UnlinkEvent Event triggered when a bridged channel is unlinked. EMPTY
UnloadEvent Unload Event EMPTY
UserEventEvent Custom user events. EMPTY
VarSetEvent Event triggered when a variable is set via agi or dialplan. EMPTY
VgsmMeStateEvent Whenever a ME (GSM module) changes working state, an event is generated. EMPTY
VgsmNetStateEvent Whenever the registration status of a GSM module changes, a vgsm_net_state event is generated. This event is available starting from 0.21.0. EMPTY
VgsmSmsRxEvent On reception of an inbound SMS (SMS-DELIVERY) the message will also be reported as a manager event, however, acknowledgment still relies on SMS spooler to handle the message. This event is generated starting from 0.21.0 EMPTY
VoicemailUserEntryCompleteEvent Event triggered for the end of the list when an action VoicemailUsersList is issued. EMPTY
VoicemailUserEntryEvent Event triggered when issuing a VoicemailUsersList action. EMPTY


Name Description
EventFactoryImpl This factory knows which event to return according to a given raw message from ami. EMPTY


Name Description
CommandResponse A generic SCCP response message from ami. EMPTY
ComplexResponse A generic SCCP response message from ami. EMPTY
GenericResponse A generic response message from ami. EMPTY
Response A generic response message from ami. EMPTY
SCCPShowDeviceResponse An sccp showdevice response message from ami. EMPTY
SCCPShowGlobalsResponse A sccp show globals response message from ami. EMPTY
SCCPShowLineResponse A sccp show line response message from ami. EMPTY


Name Description
ResponseFactoryImpl This factory knows which reponse handler to return according to a given raw message from ami, the outgoingMessageClass and responseHandler requested by the Action EMPTY